Career of Rev Bob Henderson

SOUTHERN REPORTER, THURSDAY 9TH FEBRUARY 1984 HOSPITAL’S STAFF AND PATIENTS BID CHAPLAIN FAREWELL Patients and staff at Dingleton Hospital, Melrose said their farewells last Thursday to their chaplain for the past eight years, the Rev Bob Henderson. And to mark their appreciation, Hospital Administrator Mr Tom Skinner, presented the Rev Henderson with an engraved carriageContinue reading “Career of Rev Bob Henderson”

Kate Hegarty of Cairneyhill Manse

Dear blog reader This week a slight indulgence on my part. I remember Kate Hegarty and her husband Neil at Cairneyhill Church. They were the last couple to live in Cairneyhill Manse and I actually have photos of Kate playing the organ when I was in a Guide colour party. However I had no ideaContinue reading “Kate Hegarty of Cairneyhill Manse”