Career of Rev Bob Henderson



Patients and staff at Dingleton Hospital, Melrose said their farewells last Thursday to their chaplain for the past eight years, the Rev Bob Henderson.

And to mark their appreciation, Hospital Administrator Mr Tom Skinner, presented the Rev Henderson with an engraved carriage clock.

‘The Rev Henderson came to the borders in 1973 and has been chaplain here for eight years’ he said, ‘and during that time he has been coming to visit us on a regular basis.’

‘He joined us having done war service and worked all over Scotland’ Mr Skinner continued, ‘and we will certainly miss him, as over the years, he has built up such good relations with our patients’.

In thanking everyone for the gift, the Rev Henderson said: ‘There is not much to be said for parting, although it is nice to hear that people are going to miss you.’

‘I have greatly enjoyed my time here, and I must thank Melrose and the Hospital Board for making my work so fruitful and happy.’

Rev Bob Henderson

The Rev Henderson (58), has spent 11 years in Melrose as minister of St Cuthbert’s Church, and leaves on February 14 to take up a new post at Cairneyhill/Limekilns in Fife.

The Rev Kenneth Thomson from Newtown St Boswells, has been appointed temporarily to the hospital.

During his time in the Borders, the Rev Henderson has been actively involved in a number of organisations including Melrose Festival, Melrose R.F.C., the Rotary Club, the Army Cadets and the Historical Association, and is well known in the area as an after-dinner speaker.

Rev Henderson’s wife, Charlotte, is also involved with the church as chaplain at Saughton Prison.

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