A Cairneyhill Journalist



A former assistant news editor and chief editor of the Falkirk Herald, Mr George Roan, has died in Strathcarron Hospice, Denny.

Mr Roan, who was married with two of a family, had been in indifferent health for a number of years. He lived at 38 Forest View, Polmont.

Born in Cairneyhill, Fife, Mr Roan joined the Falkirk Herald in April 1955 and, following a spell at the newspaper’s Grangemouth office, he was appointed chief reporter of the Herald in August 1957, and transferred to Falkirk.

In November 1966, he was appointed assistant news editor of the newspaper but, less than a year later he was forced to resign because of ill health.

After a period of recuperation, he and his wife, Mollie, took over a store in Grahamsdyke Street, Laurieston, a business the couple ran for a number of years.

Hilton Lane, Cairneyhill

He later obtained a job with Lothian Regional Cuncil social work department based at Bathgate where he remained for eight years.

A quiet-spoken Fifer with ready wit and a dry sense of humour, Mr Roan was a popular member of the Falkirk editorial staff and through work and socially, made many friends in Falkirk District by his pleasant manner.

He was an active member of the former Falkirk Toastmasters’ Club and then Falkirk Speakers’ Club. In addition he was a keen angler and also loved to potter about his garden.

Mr Roan was a member of Brightons Church, whose minister, the Reverend Charles Heriot, officiated at the funeral services in the Co-operative Parlour, Kerse Lane, Falkirk, and later at Grandsable Cemetery, Polmont.

He is survived by his wife Mollie, a married son, William, and an unmarried daughter, Dorothy.

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